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For details on the following programs, deadlines, contact information and more, click on Program Summaries.
ABC - Areawide Business Council
District-staffed small business loan program.
BWNR - Board of Water and Natural Resources -
An appointed seven-member body, with the responsibility for making decisions on DENR programs and projects.
CDBG - Community Development Block Grant Program -
Federal funds administered by the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, which are used for community and economic development projects.
CIP - Capital Improvements Plan -
Process used by communities to prioritize long-range expenses. Also called Community Investment Plan.
CWFCP - Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program
State funds administered by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, which are primarily used for water and sewer projects.
DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources -
State department, involved with environmental regulations and water/wastewater infrastructure funding.
DOT - South Dakota Department of Transportation -
DOT projects usually involve community and industrial access roads.
EDA - Economic Development Administration -
EDA is a federal agency that has economic development and planning functions.
EDFA - Economic Development Finance Authority -
A South Dakota government institution that uses bonding procedures to help fund capital intensive economic development projects. The financing is used by private businesses.
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
EPA is a federal regulatory and funding agency, which assists clean water, sewer, and environmental clean-up activities.
FEMA-PA - Federal Emergency Management Agency Public Assistance Program -
Federal funds which are used to assist local units of governments and private non-profits (i.e. public utilities) to restore public infrastructure after a natural disaster.
FEMA 404 HM - Federal Emergency Management Agency 404 Hazard Mitigation:
Federal funds administered by the South Dakota Office of Emergency Management and FEMA, which are used for projects that mitigate future potential damages to public infrastructure.
GOED - Governor’s Office of Economic Development -
GOED is the lead state department for economic development, community infrastructure, and energy programs.
Governor’s House -
Modest, state prisoner-built, single-family homes that are reasonably priced. Income limitations are part of the eligibility criteria.
![Chamberlain Park](../images/Chamb_roamfreepark1.jpg)
IRP - Intermediary Relending Program -
A federal source of capital for regional revolving loan funds that borrows money at one percent for 30 years. The assistance is used by ABC to recapitalize its RLF.
LWCF - Land and Water Conservation Fund -
Federal dollars administered by the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, which are periodically passed through to local governments for recreational projects.
MicroLoan - South Dakota MicroLoan Program -
A low interest loan program, which has a five percent interest rate and $20,000 maximum lending limit, administered by GOED.
RBEG - Rural Business Enterprise Grant -
A USDA RD business support program.
RBOG - Rural Business Opportunity Grant -
A USDA RD program which focuses on business related planning and research.
RD - Rural Development -
Federal agency involved with infrastructure, economic development, and housing. Formerly Farmers Home Administration.
REDI - Rural Economic Development Initiative -
A revolving loan fund established by the state and administrated by GOED.
REED Fund - Rural Electric Economic Development, Inc. -
A private non-profit corporation governed by Electric Cooperatives that provides financing and helps leverage private investment in small communities and rural areas.
RLF - Revolving Loan Fund -
A local, regional, or state program that provides low-interest loans.
SBIR - Small Business Innovation Research Program -
A federal program that provides funding to small businesses for early-stage research and development projects.
SDREI STAG - South Dakota Rural Enterprise, Inc. State and Tribal Assistance Grants -
A new statewide organization that is fostering economic development partnerships through low interest loans to regional RLFs.
SRF - State Revolving Fund -
EPA funds that are loaned to eligible water and wastewater projects through the Department of Water & Natural Resources.
SWMGP - Solid Waste Management Grant Program -
A DENR grant program targeted toward solid waste and recycling projects.
SWMP - Solid Waste Management Plan
A planning requirement of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, which involves an analysis of local solid waste generation and disposal practices.
TIF - Tax Increment Financing -
A project financing mechanism utilizing property taxes to repay project development bonds.