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Delayne P., Chairman
  • Representative for: Aurora County
    Position: County Commissioner

Donald R., Vice Chairman

  • Representative for:  Brule County

              Position:  County Commissioner

Rex W., Secretary

  • Representative for: South Central Water Development District
    Position: Board Member
    Years in current position: 15 years
    Occupation:> Business owner (motel)
    'I was a charter member of District III when I was a Douglas County Commissioner [30 years ago]. I was newly elected and District III was just being formed. The other commissioners wanted nothing to do with District III, but thanks to my predecessor, it was the best thing that could have happened for me. What an education!'
Arthur H., Treasurer
  • Representative for: Great Lakes of South Dakota Association
    Position: Board Member
    Years in current position: 5 years
John C.., At-large
  • Representative for: Davison County
    Position: County Commissioner
Lonnie T., At-large
  • Representative for: City of Freeman
  • Position:  City Council Member

Donita L., At-large

  • Representative for: Buffalo County

              Position:  County Commissioner

Richard L. , At-large

  • Representative for:  City of Winner

           Position:  Mayor

Delayne Persson (Aurora County) Chairman

Donald Reinesch (Brule County) Vice Chairman
Rex Winter (South Central Water Development District) - Secretary
Arthur Hertz (Great Lakes of SD Association) - Treasurer
John Claggett (Davison County) - At large member

Donita Loudner (Buffalo County) - At large member

Lonnie Tjaden (City of Freeman) - At large member

Richard Lewis (City of Winner) - At large member

Delayne P.


Rex W.


Art H.









Driving Directions to the District III Office
Planning & Development District III
P.O. Box 687
1808 Summit Street
Yankton, SD 57078
Call: 800-952-3562 (South Dakota Only) or 605-665-4408
Fax: 605-665-0303